Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Is life really what you make of it? What about the choices that negatively impact us? What then are regrets?

Throughout life we are all faced with a number of choices and decisions to make. We choose what we feel is best for us at that particular moment. In such, that decision often could have repercussions later on in life. How do we deal with the decisions we make out of ignorance?
When you look into the mirror what do you see? Do you see your nationality first and then your gender? Do you see all the roles you play on a daily basis? When do you ever see the real you?

A few years ago, during a very hard time in my life when nothing was going right, I made a very big mistake. Well, the mistake was a long standing role I was playing that which at some point I had to come clean about. It was unveiling the truth about who I was, that I realized that I was not the man I pretended to be. It was finally telling the truth about things, that costed me probably the most important person to ever come into my life. From this experience, I realized I could no longer live under all these masks. I set out to discover who I really was. It is that particular journey that this Blog series was developed.

Measure of a Man is not speaking to just males. While I am a male and many of the situations afforded me will come from a male perspective, I have learned that through being human we all have struggles, be it male or female, black or white we all struggle in similar fashion. This series helped me to uncover who I am today and set me on the path to become the man I need to be tomorrow. I am not there yet- not by a long shot; but it is the hope that through these writings and your feed back I can further uncover my purpose and dispel the evils that still taint me. Through this I hope to help people identify who they really are and we all begin down a new path as the best we can ever be.

This wont be pretty. Many things I will say will not be easily digested. But I have found that it often times the hard questions, that bring about harsh realities but make us better equipped to change the picture. I want us all to struggle through this, for it will be that struggle that opens us up and allows for us to be remolded. Together we can be more then we are today. Please walk with me.

1 comment:

  1. I welcome your words, experiences and reflections sunshine. I am pleased to read and feel your journey as you continue to find that measure of a man you are...The universe is with you sunshine!
