Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Ten Laws of Responsible Manhood

As I get readjusted to providing material for this Measure of a Man blog series. Let's start off on a good foot. Men, lets get in-tune with ourselves and do whats right. Let's stop with the excuses and the bullshit. Let's develop principals and character. Let's bring much more to the table. Sounds good ladies? Ok, fellas below is a list of commandments that one should strive to live by. I will list them now and elaborate on them at a later time. These will be the reference of many of the topics to come through the new direction of this series. Pay attention and lets get to work.

The Ten Laws of Responsible Manhood:

1.Take responsibility for your actions
a responsible man take responsibility for his action. He recognizes htat he must strive to always be in control of his actions and not allow others or external circumstances to dictate his actions.
2. Always be goal oriented
a responsible man knows where he is headed. He understands the importance of setting goals and objectives and establishing, monitoring, and altering plans for achievement. The responsible man continuously aligns his actions with his plans.
‎3. Defend and protect FAMILY
A responsible man understands and appreciates the importance of family. He readily acts to defend and protect family in appropriate fashions.
4. Respect womanhood
A responsible man understands and appreciates the sanctity of womanhood. He understands that women deserve respect as the mothers, sisters, aunts, and nurturers of humanity.
5. Follow your GOD
A responsible man serves a living GOD and understand that his relationship will grant favor and grace upon his life.
‎6. Resolve conflicts non-violently
A responsible man understands that violence rarely results in satisfactory resolution of conflict. The responsible man uses intellect, wit, and diplomacy to resolve conflict.
7. Take a principled stand
A responsible man consistently represents high standards of morality, honesty, and acts accordingly. the stances he takes and opinions he holds always consider virtues that add to the common good.
8. Accept and give help
A responsible man understands and appreciates that the experiences and expertise of others may guide and assist the achievement of his own goals. Therefore he readily accepts and considers the assistance's of others. Therefore the responsible man readily offers to assist others.
9. Be a true friend
A responsible man understands that true friendship is about mutual respect, admiration, and honesty. True friends build each other up and support one another. A responsible man understands although he may have many acquaintances he likely has but a few true friends.
‎10. Always strive to do your best.
A responsible man understands that he can do no less than his best. When involved in activities the responsible man always strives to do the best that he can. Regardless the result, He is buoyed by the knowledge that he put his best effort forward.

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